Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Holy Spirit: Your Personal Navigation System

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it’.” - Isaiah 30:21

 I would like to begin this blog with a brief testimony of my encounters with the Holy Spirit as my Guider as well as provide you with a brief discussion of some things that I have mentioned in my new book (which is focused on the Holy Spirit as our Internal Navigator).

I have been walking with the Lord for many years and my attentiveness to the voice of God has been a working progress. There would be times when I felt Him speaking to me and then there would be times when I was uncertain whether He was speaking or not. It was not until recently that I discovered the ways in which He communicates with me. This discovery was both exhilarating and disheartening at the same time.

I have always been a visual person (i.e. visual learner) but I never stopped to think that this was also how My Father speaks to me. Often times He utilizes visions and dreams to lead, guide, and direct me. Contrary to this zeal, I was disheartened for a moment because I began to think about all of those dreams and visions that I dismissed and are now but a faded memory. For many years He was speaking but I was unaware at times because I did not know that He was using visions & dreams as an avenue of communicating with me. Now that I am aware, I have been able to become a good steward of the things that He tells me.

My prayer is that you do not fall into the same circumstances as I did and miss God speaking because of your naivety to His personal style of talking with you. Scripture tells us that our steps are ordered by the Lord (Psalm 37:23) and that whichever way we go He will whisper guidance in our ears (Isaiah 30:21). Once you became a believer you were sealed with this Internal Navigation System; the Holy Spirit (John 16:13-15 & Ephesians 1:13). No matter how far off track we may get, we still possess and have access to our ultimate Guider. He may seem “inactive” (Ephesians 4:30 & I Thessalonians 5:19) when we are living out from underneath His will so this is why minimizing distractions is so vital in our life. The more clutter that we have the more difficult it is for us to filter through it all and whole heartedly & purely receive the words that the Holy Spirit is conveying to us.

My words of encouragement to you are that He is still speaking to you today; you just need to clean out your system of all other negative distractions and sit still before the Lord and hear all that He has to say. Ask the Lord today to make it more clear to you how He speaks to you. Pay attention to what you think, feel, hear, see, & smell…He can utilize various ways so do not dismiss it if it feels a little unordinary.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You that You are the same today as You were yesterday and You still be the same tomorrow. We ask that You begin to make it clear to us how You communicate with us. We ask that You help us to quiet our spirits so that we can hear clearly from You. We are grateful that You say if we seek You then we will find You. We are searching for you Father and your servants are listening Lord so we ask that You speak to us. Lord, we ask that You continue to lead, guide, & direct us in all of our ways. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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